Fulbright & Jaworski l.l.p.
                   A Registered Limited Liability Partnership
                          2200 Ross Avenue, Suite 2800
                            Dallas, Texas 75201-2784

fbrumbaugh@fulbright.com                               telephone: (214) 855-8000
direct dial: (214) 855-7177                            facsimile: (214) 855-8200

                                December 21, 2007

                                                                       Via EDGAR

H. Christopher Owings
Assistant Director
Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, NE
Washington, D.C. 20549-0404

     Re:  Response to Comments Received from the Staff of the Commission with
          respect to Form 10-K ("10-K") filed by Conn's, Inc. on March 29,
          2007; File No. 000-50421
          Client-Matter No. 067780-10416205

Dear Mr. Owings:

     This letter sets forth the responses of Conn's, Inc. (the "Company") to the
comments of the staff of the Division of  Corporation  Finance (the  "Staff") of
the Securities and Exchange  Commission  (the  "Commission")  received by letter
dated  December 12, 2007 (the  "Comment  Letter")  with respect to the Form 10-K

     For the  convenience  of the Staff,  we have set forth  below,  in boldface
type, the number and text of each comment in the Comment Letter  followed by the
Company's responses thereto.

Annual Report on Form 10-K for Fiscal Year Ended January 31, 2007
- -----------------------------------------------------------------

Consolidated Statements of Operations, page 61
- ----------------------------------------------

     1.   Please tell us your rationale for classifying securitization income as
          revenue as opposed to other operating income. In this regard, we note
          that the sale of trade receivables is unrelated to the transaction
          originally generating that receivable.

     The Company  considers  its retail  finance  programs to be a critical  and
integral component of its ongoing retail  operations,  and not merely incidental
to its retail  store  operations.  As such,  the  Company  believes  classifying
securitization  income as  revenue is  consistent  with the views  expressed  in
Statement of Financial  Accounting  Concepts (SFAC) No. 6, Elements of Financial
Statements.  In SFAC No. 6,  paragraphs 78 through 88, revenues are described as
"actual or expected cash inflows (or the equivalent)  that have occurred or will
eventuate  as a result of the  entity's  ongoing  major or central  operations."
Gains and losses,  on the other  hand,  "result  from  entities'  peripheral  or
incidental  transactions and from other events and  circumstances  stemming from
the  environment  that may be largely beyond the control of individual  entities
and their  managements,"  and can be classified  as operating or  non-operating.
Maintaining and managing its finance  programs is a key element of the Company's
overall business strategy and it derives  significant  revenues and gross profit
from the  generation,  sale and servicing of consumer  credit  contracts and its
residual interest in those contracts. The significance of the credit programs to
the Company's  ongoing  operations  is evidenced by 58% of the Company's  retail
sales  having been  financed  through its credit  programs,  and  securitization
income  having  accounted  for 8.4% of total  revenues  and 24.0% of total gross
profit,  over the past  three  fiscal  years.  The  gains  and  losses on sales,
servicing  fees and  interest  earned on its retained  interest  included in the
Company's  securitization  income  are key  elements  in the  Company's  ongoing
operations  and  are not  considered  to be  incidental  to the  Company's  core
operating  strategy.  Additionally,  consistent  with guidance in Topic 8 of the
Staff Accounting  Bulletins,  the Company discloses the detail components of its
securitization  income and its securitization income accounting policy in Note 1
to the financial statements.

H. Christopher Owings
December 21, 2007
Page 2

Note 1. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies page 64
- ----------------------------------------------------------

Revenue Recognition, page 66
- ----------------------------

     2.   With  reference  to  the  authoritative   accounting  literature  that
          supports  your  accounting,  please  explain to us in detail why it is
          appropriate  to  recognize  gains on the sale of your  receivables  as
          accretion  over  the  lives of the  related  receivables  rather  than
          immediately  recognizing such gains in earnings upon the date of sale.
          To  facilitate  our  understanding,  please  provide  us with  example
          journal  entries to illustrate  your  accounting upon the date of sale
          and subsequently when you record accretion.

     In connection  with the Company's  initial  public  offering in November of
2003,  the  Company  had  extensive  discussions  with the Staff  regarding  the
accounting  for its asset backed  securitization  program,  including  providing
journal  entries.  The Company's  presentation in its Annual Report on Form 10-K
for fiscal year ended January 31, 2007, is consistent  with the  presentation in
its  registration  statement.  Subsequently,  the  Company  adopted  several new
accounting  principles  that  changed  the  accounting  for  its  securitization
transaction and now recognizes gains on the sale of receivables upon the date of
sale.  These  changes were  applied and  disclosed  in the  Company's  quarterly
reports during the current  fiscal year,  beginning with the quarter ended April
30, 2007. To be consistent  with the Staff's  request to apply the guidance from
these  comments  in future  filings,  the  following  discussion  relates to the
Company's current accounting for its securitization transaction.

     On  February  1, 2007,  the  Company  was  required  to adopt SFAS No. 155,
Accounting for Certain Hybrid Financial Instruments,  which, among other things,
established a requirement to evaluate interests in securitized  financial assets
to  identify  interests  that are  freestanding  derivatives  or that are hybrid
financial instruments that contain an embedded derivative requiring bifurcation.
At that time,  the Company chose to early adopt the  provisions of SFAS No. 159,
The Fair Value Option for Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities, because it
believed the fair value option  provided a more easily  understood  presentation
for  financial  statement  users than  bifurcation  of an  embedded  derivative.
Historically,  the Company had valued and reported its interests in  securitized
assets at fair  value,  though many  changes in the fair value were  recorded in
other comprehensive income, under the provisions of SFAS No. 115. The fair value
option  simplifies  the  treatment  of changes in the fair value of the asset by
reflecting all changes in the fair value of the interests in securitized  assets
in current earnings as securitization income, including immediate recognition of
gains on sales and gains and losses due to assumption changes. SFAS Nos. 155 and
159 do not allow for  retrospective  application  of these changes in accounting
principle  and,  as such,  no  adjustments  have been made to the amounts in the
financial  statements for periods ending prior to February 1, 2007. However, the
balance in other comprehensive  income, as of January 31, 2007, of $6.3 million,
which  represented  unrecognized  gains on the fair  value of the  interests  in
securitized  assets,  was included in a  cumulative-effect  adjustment  that was
recorded in retained earnings, effective February 1, 2007.

H. Christopher Owings
December 21, 2007
Page 3

     3.   With respect to your interest free promotional  programs, we note that
          you accrue interest income on those contracts that are not expected to
          make payments within the time period specified to satisfy  promotional
          requirements. Please tell us the basis in GAAP for your accounting. In
          this  regard,  we note that due to accruing  such  interest,  your net
          investment in the  receivable  increases to an amount greater than the
          amount at which your customer could settle the obligation.

     The disclosure  related to interest free promotion  programs is intended to
describe the various  promotion  programs  provided by the  Company.  As all the
interest free promotional  program contracts are sold to the Company's QSPE, the
interest income disclosure  relates to the QSPE's accounting policy. As such, in
future  filings the Company  will remove this  discussion  from the notes to the
financial  statements since this is a discussion of the accounting in the QSPE's
financial statements,  which are not consolidated in the financial statements of
the Company.

Application of APB 21 to Cash Option Programs That Exceed One Year in Duration,
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
page 70
- -------

     4.   In future  filings,  please revise your  disclosure to explain how you
          account for the discount on the receivable upon sale of the receivable
          through your securitization program.

          The Staff's  comment is noted,  and future  filings  will  reflect the
          Staff's comment.

Note 7. Share-Based Compensation, page 80
- -----------------------------------------

     5.   In future  filings,  please disclose for each year for which an income
          statement is presented total compensation cost for share-based payment
          arrangements  recognized in income as well as the total recognized tax
          benefit related thereto. See paragraph A240.g(1) of SFAS 123R.

          The Staff's  comment is noted,  and future  filings  will  reflect the
          Staff's comment.

Controls and Procedures, page 84
- --------------------------------

     6.   You state that your certifying officers concluded that your disclosure
          controls and  procedures  were  effective in "timely  alerting them to
          material  information  relating to [your] business  (including  [your]
          consolidated  subsidiaries) required to be included in [your] Exchange
          Act  filings." In future  filings,  please  revise your  conclusion to
          include the full  definition of disclosure  controls and procedures as
          outlined in Exchange  Act Rule  13a-15(e)  rather than the  summarized
          definition  you include now. In this regard,  please  state,  if true,
          whether the same officers  concluded the controls and procedures  were
          effective  to "ensure  that  information  required to be  disclosed by
          [you] in the  reports  that  [you]  file or  submit  under  the Act is
          recorded, processed,  summarized and reported, within the time periods
          specified  in the  Commission's  rules and forms" and to "ensure  that
          information  required to be  disclosed  by [you] in the  reports  that
          [you] file or submit under the Act is accumulated and  communicated to
          [your] management,  including [your] principal executive and principal
          financial  officers,  or  persons  performing  similar  functions,  as
          appropriate to allow timely decisions regarding required  disclosure."
          Additionally,  please  confirm  to us that your  conclusion  regarding
          effectiveness  would not change had these  statements been included in
          the filing.

H. Christopher Owings
December 21, 2007
Page 4

          The Staff's  comment is noted,  and future  filings  will  reflect the
Staff's   comment.   The  Company   confirms  that  its  conclusions   regarding
effectiveness would not change had these statements been included in the filing.

Definitive Proxy Statement on Schedule 14A Filed April 25, 2007
- ---------------------------------------------------------------

Compensation Discussion and Analysis, page 10
- ---------------------------------------------

     7.   We refer you to Securities Act Release 8732A, Section II.B.I. As noted
          in that section,  the  compensation  discussion and analysis should be
          sufficiently  precise to identify material differences in compensation
          policies for individual  named executive  officers.  Mr. Frank,  Sr.'s
          salary, bonus and option awards were significantly higher than amounts
          given to other named executive  officers.  In future  filings,  please
          supplement  the  disclosure  throughout  this  section to explain  the
          reasons for the differences in the amounts of compensation  awarded to
          the named executive officers.

          The Staff's  comment is noted,  and future  filings  will  reflect the
          Staff's comment.

     8.   Throughout  this  section,  you  indicate  that you  consider  a named
          executive officer's individual performance in setting compensation. In
          future  filings,  please  discuss  how  you  structure  and  implement
          specific  forms  of   compensation  to  reflect  the  named  executive
          officer's  individual  performance  or  contribution  and describe the
          elements of individual performance or contribution that you have taken
          into consideration. See Item 402(b)(2)(vii) of Regulation S-K.

          The Staff's  comment is noted,  and future  filings  will  reflect the
          Staff's comment.

     9.   We note  the  statement  on page 11 that  the  Compensation  Committee
          relies on its knowledge of the company's peers in setting compensation
          on a comparative  basis. In future  filings,  please identify the peer
          companies to which the Committee  compares  Conn's and the elements of
          compensation that were considered in making such comparisons. See Item
          402(b)(2)(xiv) of Regulation S-K.

          The Staff's  comment is noted,  and future  filings  will  reflect the
          Staff's comment.

     10.  We note the statement on page 11 that the  company's  bonus program is
          based on the company's  achievement of predetermined  profit goals. In
          future filings,  please provide quantitative or qualitative disclosure
          of these  profit  goals for fiscal  year  ending  January 31, 2007 and
          2008.  To the  extent you  believe  disclosure  of these  goals is not
          required because it would result in competitive harm,  provide us on a
          supplemental basis a detailed  explanation under Instruction 4 to Item
          402(b) of Regulation S-K for this  conclusion.  See also Question 3.04
          of the Item 402 of Regulation  S-K  Interpretations,  available in the
          Division of Corporation  Finance  section our website at  www.sec.gov,
          under  "Compliance and Disclosure  Interpretations."  Also discuss how
          likely it would be for the company to achieve the  undisclosed  profit
          goals, or for each named executive  officer to meet the bonus targets.
          See Instruction 4 to Item 402(b) of Regulation S-K.

H. Christopher Owings
December 21, 2007
Page 5

          The Staff's  comment is noted,  and future  filings  will  reflect the
          Staff's comment.

Compensation for the Named Executive Officers in Fiscal 2007, page 12
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

     11.  We note your indication that the Compensation Committee determined the
          CEO's bonus based upon pre-established  performance goals, taking into
          account  one or more  criteria  that you list in this  discussion.  As
          requested  above,  please disclose these  performance  goals in future
          filings.   Please  also  disclose  how  the   Compensation   Committee
          determined  for the fiscal year ending January 31, 2007 which criteria
          to take  into  account  and how they  intend  to  select  among  these
          criteria in future fiscal years. Clarify whether the annual cash bonus
          received by all of the named executive officers takes into account one
          or more of these criteria.

          The Staff's  comment is noted,  and future  filings  will  reflect the
          Staff's comment.

          With  respect to the fiscal  year ended  January  31,  2007,  the only
criterion  used by the  Compensation  Committee to  determine  the bonus for the
Chief  Executive  Officer  and  each of the  named  executive  officers  was the
increase in the Company's pretax income compared to the previous fiscal year.

Termination of Employment and Change of Control Arrangements, page 16
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

     12.  In future  filings,  please  describe and explain how the  appropriate
          payment levels are  determined  under the  circumstances  that trigger
          payments  or  provide  benefits  upon a change of  control.  See Items
          402(b)(1)(v) and 402(j)(3) of Regulation S-K.

          The Staff's  comment is noted,  and future  filings  will  reflect the
          Staff's comment.

Certain Relationships and Related Transactions, page 27 of Proxy Statement
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

     13.  In future  filings,  please state whether your policies and procedures
          for  the  review,  approval  or  ratification  of any  related  person
          transaction  are in  writing  and,  if not,  how such  procedures  are
          evidenced.  See Item  404(b)(1)(iv) of Regulation S-K. Please consider
          expanding the  disclosure  regarding  your policies and  procedures to
          discuss the  standards  to be applied  pursuant to such  policies  and
          procedures. See Item 404(b)(1)(ii) of Regulation S-K.

          The Staff's  comment is noted,  and future  filings  will  reflect the
          Staff's comment.

H. Christopher Owings
December 21, 2007
Page 6

          Should  any  member  of the Staff  have any  questions  or  additional
comments  regarding the responses to the Staff's Comment Letter set forth above,
please do not hesitate to call the undersigned at (214) 855-7177.


                                                        /s/ D. Forrest Brumbaugh
                                                        D. Forrest Brumbaugh


cc:  Sarah Goldberg, Securities and Exchange Commission
     Alexander M. Ledbetter, Securities and Exchange Commission
     Thomas J. Frank, Sr., Conn's, Inc.
     David Rogers, Conn's, Inc.